Monday, January 3, 2011

Resolve to This Betch

Its that time of year kids. Time to make some resolutions for the new year that you most likely won't stick to, or even remember a month from now, unless you are ME and you have the memory of an elephant (or b/c you blog about it and will NEVER be able to forget as its in writing). So let the games begin for 2011. Please also remember this is the year of my wedding. So I may have to add a few, and/or remove a few, at my leisure b/c this is my blog, my list, and I can do what I want with it.

1. Call my grandmother more. She's getting up there in years and when I left her on the day after Christmas she cried. She never cries. This, to me, was not a good sign. So I'm making sure I give her a call more regularly.

2. Use another word other than f*ck. Yea I know I've said this before, shut the eff up, I'm trying! Jeeze, cut me a break.

3. Renew my gym membership. Probably not at the ole Sport & Health since its a bazillion dollars to hang out in the locker room with old foreign ladies with saggy ta-tas, but maybe at the new Lifetime down the road from us. That place looks chronic! And no, I'm not going to follow this with lose weight, I just need to get back into the gym routine. *aren't you impressed with the non-cliche'ical manner of this resolution?!?!?

4. Run a 1/2 marathon. Ain't no interest in running 26.2 miles. 13.1 miles, piece of cake. Signing-up this week. FACT.

5. Use all of my vacation time. This needs no explanation.

6. Get married. Too easy. HAD to do it. *laughing*

7. Be a better friend/daughter/fiance. I get a little caught up in my world and forget to reach out to my favorite people in the world on a daily/every other day basis. I'm going to try harder lovies.

8. Blog more, bitch less. I just puked a little, so cliche.

9. Buy more lottery tickets when the jackpot is HUGEMONGOUS. Please tell me you know why I need to do said resolution.
10. Less email/text, more phone/voice. I love email/texting, I hate actually speaking over the phone. Those of you who know me, know this. I'll try but I'm not promising a thing. *duly noted*

11. Less ME, more you. Ahhh yes I can totally talk about me for days. Maybe I should talk a little less about me and more about you. Sorry 'bout that if it was happening as much as I think it might have been happening. SMDH.

12. Enjoy planning my wedding. I don't need to stress about it, I need to savor every moment. I must, must, make sure I do as its going to fly by.

13. Live in the moment. I'm a planner, perhaps I could do one or two unplanned things this year?!?! :) *cliche, I'm puking again*

14. Make a bucket list of 100 things I want to do before I'm 50. Soooo much fun, must do.

15. Get outta town. No but like by get outta town I mean leave the country. I haven't left in over a year and I'm getting an itch to bust a move.

....I'm sure I'll be adding more. So many things to do, so little time.


Jamie said...

Ok I have something that will kill a few with one stone...come to CALI (#15) and we will run the SD rock and roll half(#4) this summer. K <3 U

BlythePoo said...

You could run the DC National 1/2 with me on March 26. I just started training for it... :)

Alayne said...

My auto-text changed f*ck to duck and a$$ to ads. So now I just call everyone ducking adsholes. I call that...progress.